
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 4 by Lucy

Today I dont have a specific "thing" to talk about but I do have a cute picture to show you at the end. Today was such a gloomy day. Rainy for the most part. Mommy and daddy stayed in bed watching a black box with pictures on it. Right now it isnt raining thank goodness Im gonna have to go potty soon, after I eat some dinner yum, I love when dinner comes around. I can always tell when mommy is getting my food and I come running. My favorite thing is actually cheese, I used to know when shed get the cheese out of that big white thing thats always cold! I would dance for her she thought it was cute.
You wanna see my pic now!? Here it is

This was taken by my grandmommy one day, I was helping her drive the car, it was so fun! I used to spend so much time with my grandmommy. I havent seen her in a long time :( I miss her.. things happen for a reason though I suppose, thats what mommy says all the time so I believe it. Well I will see yall tomorrow or so, have a nice evening. I hope youre weather is goin better than mine.


thank you for the support & comments, I hope you enjoy this little blog of ours. :) have a great day!